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British Values


At Aston students are aware of their rights, encouraged to express their views and make meaningful contributions to improve school life.  Platforms such as student council and student equality action group provide students with the means to discuss and make proposals to improve matters that directly involve them.   Pupil and parent voice initiatives also provide opportunities for parents and students to have their voices heard.  Students are encouraged to reflect on global and contemporary issues and are given opportunities in lessons and tutor time to discuss their views and opinions. 

Rule of law

School rules and expectations are clear, fair and regularly referred to.  Students are taught that with rights come responsibilities –that the enjoyment of rights and liberty is only possible if individuals take responsibility for their behaviour.   At Aston we support students to understand the purpose of the law and the basis on which it is made.   The academy’s behaviour and anti-bullying policy makes it clear that any form of aggression, intimidation, abuse or violence is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.  All staff have a responsibility to recognise safeguarding concerns and to raise them with the designated safeguarding team. 

Tolerance and Mutual Respect

Respect is one of the core values of our academy and is exemplified in our mission statement – that ‘every person is unique and we work together in an inclusive environment of mutual respect and consideration, valuing everyone’s contribution’

At Aston, students develop an understanding of and respect for their own culture and other cultures and ways of life.   Through the RPE curriculum, students explore the beliefs, practices and values of different faiths and have the opportunity to visit local faith communities and places of worship.  Through the PSHCE curriculum, students are encouraged to discuss and respect differences, to understand the harms that prejudice and discrimination on the basis of gender, sex, sexuality, race, religion, and disability can cause.  Students and staff are encouraged to challenge any prejudicial and/or discriminatory behaviour. 


Students are taught that everyone’s contribution is valuable.  At Aston, students develop an understanding of human rights, the responsibilities that underpin them and are helped to understand how these rights can be exercised safely.

Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their behaviour and are encouraged by staff to make the right choices.

Students are also encouraged to think and express their opinions in a thoughtful, safe and supportive environment.  The academy curriculum and enrichment programme seeks to develop student’s self-esteem and confidence.