Home/School Communications
Faculty email inboxes enable the subject leadership team to receive your emails and respond appropriately. If you wish to send an email for the attention of a particular member of staff, please specify their name in the subject of the email. There are also topic-specific inboxes to provide you with a direct route to ask questions (see below).
Please be mindful that teachers are not in a position to check emails consistently throughout the day and the school does not expect work emails to be checked in a teacher's personal time. We aim to respond as soon as possible and within 3 working days. Part-time staff may take longer to reply.
The student planner is also a great tool to facilitate home-school communication - please write a note (with date and signature) if you need the year teams or subject teachers to see a message.
Faculty email addresses:
Art: aa-art@astonacademy.org
Business, Computing and Economics: aa-BCE@astonacademy.org
DT: aa-DT@astonacademy.org
English: aa-english@astonacademy.org
Humanities: aa-humanities@astonacademy.org
Maths: aa-maths@astonacademy.org
MFL: aa-MFL@astonacademy.org
Music: aa-music@astonacademy.org
PE: aa-P.E@astonacademy.org
RE: aa-RPE@astonacademy.org
Science: aa-science@astonacademy.org
Topic-specific email addresses:
General Query: info@astonacademy.org
SEND: aa-send@astonacademy.org
Attendance: aa-attendance@astonacademy.org
Safeguarding: aa-safeguarding@astonacademy.org
Work Experience: aa-workexperience@astonacademy.org
Exams: aa-exams@astonacademy.org
ERIC: aa-eric@astonacademy.org