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Mental Health and Wellbeing

If your child is worried about anything or struggling with their mental health and wellbeing they can speak to their form tutor, learning progress manager or any trusted adult in school.


Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous service for young people up to age 25 to find online support and counselling.

Kooth will be in school for each of our parent consultation evenings for you to find out more about the services they offer to children and adults.

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Supporting Adults

Summer Wellbeing Activities

Here you can find printable mindful and wellbeing activities for your children to do over the summer holidays. These have been designed by Kooth, the free, anonymous mental health service for young people.




















Useful Guides






Useful links

Young Minds has a parent’s section with an A to Z of mental health, a parent helpline and blog.

CAMHS has gathered many useful website links all in one place. You’ll find websites to support with eating disorders, drugs and alcohol, self-harm to low mood.

CAMHS has a range of documents you may find useful, for example, Coping with self-harm and anxiety.