Year 9 Options
This is an exciting and important time for your child as they begin to think about their journey through KS4. At Aston Academy we pride ourselves on providing a broad and balanced curriculum - we want to ensure all students have the opportunity to explore interests and passions inside and outside of the classroom. We also understand that this can be a confusing time for students and therefore want to ensure they have all the information possible to make the right choices for them.
Please read through all the information you have been given via email and on this page. The KS4 Options Booklet is your first port of call, with all the individual subject information included. There are also subject videos for you to peruse if you prefer.
The deadline for submission of the options form is Friday 28th February at 3.00pm. Places on courses are not allocated on a first-come-first-served basis so once you have received the link for completion, please do not feel you need to rush to complete the form.