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Striving for




The House System

What is the House System?

Students in Years 7 - 11 are part of our house system. There are four houses with each tutor group belonging to a specific house. They are:



Each house is led by 2 members of Aston Academy teaching staff, with a coordinator overseeing events. Students gain individual achievement points that contribute towards their overall house total. Achievement points are awarded for attendance, academic progress, sports, resilience, community tasks and extra-curricular participation. Achievement points are also gained through our half termly House challenges and competitions.

Where do the House names originate from?

The four house crests and names originate from the owners and inhabitants of Aston Hall. The great house Aston Hall stands in a hundred acres of wood land. The Aston estate comprised of Aston Hall, 11 farms and the whole of the villages of Aston and Netherthorpe. Through this we hope to inspire pride and knowledge in the local area and history.

What are the House competitions and challenges?

Throughout the school year we have a range of house competitions and challenges. For each competition each house will have a team of students that represents them. The competitions will take place after school 3pm – 4pm and this year the competitions include:

  • The great house Bake Off
  • Badminton
  • Football
  • Science Competition
  • Tower building challenge
  • Art Clay model building challenge
  • Rounders competition
  • Basketball
  • Dance Competition
  • House Quiz
  • Business £20 challenge
  • MFL competition
  • Table Tennis Challenge
  • Trampolining

After each competition, achievement points are awarded for finishing 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. All competition points added with each student individual total give the over all score.

How are Teams chosen for House Competitions?

When a competition is set the 2 house staff will visit tutor groups and ask for volunteers to represent the House team. Competitions are structured to ensure that all students that want to take part have the opportunity. This means competitions are OPEN TO EVERYONE so come and get involved!!

How do students collected achievement points?

When a students efforts are recognised by a teacher they receive an achievement point. These are either placed directly on to the school system electronically or given in the student planner in the achievement point section. Once a student received 20 achievement points in their planner they receive a token to give to reception which puts 20 new points on to the system. Please note it is important students ‘cash in’ their planner achievement points as all scores are taken from the points recorded on the electronic system.

What incentives are there for students to collect achievement points?

Alongside contributing to their overall House totals the achievement points students collect individually are recognised through praise and reward. At Aston Academy we believe that praise, reward and recognising the efforts of our students makes a difference in relation to their performance and success in school. Each Friday students with the most achievement points for that week are invited down for special celebration events including hot chocolate mornings, sport reward sessions and ice cremes in the summer weather. Then each half term the individual achievement point totals are collected and the students with the most for that half term are recognised by having the opportunity to take part in a reward afternoon activity. This year students have had afternoons at Jump Inc, Laser Quest, Football Centre, Trampolining, Movie experience and Dance workshops.

How many students have received rewards this year?

So far this year we have had 60 students from each year attend a Friday reward morning and 100 students from each group have been rewarded with an afternoon reward activity. This means over 50% of each year group have been recognised for their efforts this year and demonstrates that students that consistently get it right at Aston Academy will be recognised. As we approach the final 5 weeks of this school year – can you demonstrate the attributes we are looking for in an Aston student and be involved in the next reward activities!!

If you have any questions about the house system or would like any more information please contact