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Striving for




Consequences System


What happens?

Verbal warning

  • Student informed explicitly that this is their warning prior to using the consequence system. This could be to an individual, a group or even the class as long as it is clear what students are receiving the warning for.

Consequence 1 (C1)

  • Student’s name written on the board with one tick.
  • Teacher speaks to student to explain the reason.
  • This consequence is not recorded on SIMs.

Consequence 2 (C2)

  • Student’s name is ticked again.
  • Teacher speaks to student to explain the reason.
  • Teacher must log C2s through SIMs, with reasons.
  • Teacher could hold some restorative work outside the classroom (if appropriate) or at the end of the lesson. Student should not be left outside on the corridor without a member of staff.
  • 1 behaviour point logged.

Consequence 3 (C3)

  • Student’s name is ticked again.
  • Teacher should provide a clear reason as to why the student is receiving a C3 and provide the student with a yellow referral slip, informing the student which room to attend and writing the time they left the classroom.
  • Teacher must log C3s through SIMs and a 30-minute detention will be assigned to the student on the following evening.
  • Teacher should contact home to inform parents/carers of a more detailed account of the reasons for their child’s C3.
  • Teacher could attend the detention and discuss with the student their behaviour.
  • Parent/carer receives a text of the SIMs log, and information regarding the detention.
  • 3 behaviour points are logged.

Consequence 4 (C4)

  • Where a student does not attend their Referral classroom, Classroom Support should take the student to the ‘Cool off’ room for the remainder of the lesson. At the end of the lesson, the student will leave ‘Cool Off’.
  • Where a student attends the referral room but is not successful (causing disruption in this room), press the On Call button and ask the student to go to Cool Off. Staff on Classroom support duty will check they have arrived. (If student has not arrived this will be discussed with Year Teams regarding the sanction.)
  • Staff member supervising ‘Cool Off’ to inform class teacher that the student has escalated to a C4 as they haven’t attended their referral room.
  • An additional 2 behaviour points are logged (5 in total with the C3 from the class teacher) and a C4 detention is issued.


-Behaviour points are not cumulative within a lesson.  The number of behaviour points awarded will be dictated by the stage the student reached at the end of the lesson.

-Extreme behaviour or a safeguarding concern that results in an immediate referral or use of the on call button will be logged as a C3/C4.