Work Experience Within our Careers Programme
Work Experience Within our Careers Programme
Building upon the learning of students from Key Stage 3, our bespoke Key Stage 4 programme focuses on a deeper and more personalised preparation for the world of work. The Careers education in Key Stage 4 at Aston Academy incorporates a working understanding of the workplace, including how to create a good CV, how to prepare effectively for an interview, customer service skills and, in Year 10, an authentic week's experience of a local workplace.
We work with our business partner, Richard Jones, from B and E Together, to source personalised placements, which link directly to both student interest and aspiration. Richard is also charged with approving all associated liability and insurance issues.
Although the 2025 Work Experience placement seems relatively far away, we have already taken some exciting steps to prepare for this event, which is Monday July 7th to Friday July 11th.
We have held our Work Experience Information Evening for parents/carers and all Y10 students and many students have already taken hard copies of the form which needs to be filled in and returned to Student Reception, by December 13th, please – although of course it could be submitted long before this date.
Attached is the PowerPoint which was presented on Wednesday October 16th (our Work Experience Information Evening) which provides the rationale, some key dates and offers some reminders and further advice re. how best to help us prepare your child for his/her exciting WEX placement. I also attach the Work Experience Placement Journal used last year, below for your convenience and perusal.
There will be no formal timetabled Y10 lessons during the school week of Mon July 7th to Fri July 11th - it is our expectation that all Y10 students are engaged fully with their Work Experience Placement throughout the entire week and this is their sole provision for that week (there is no alternative provision in school). Please do not book any family holidays that week!
The experience offers a range of benefits - not all of which are always immediately visible to young people. These benefits include providing experience of independent travel, building resilience, problem-solving, managing a new environment, working with unfamiliar adults, being without friends for short periods of time.
We ask you to join us in supporting our young people to discuss strategies for the management of these benefits - which may appear as concerns to a minority of students. We totally want all our students to grow through the process; making the absolute most of the experience.
We attach the presentation slides below and the 2 Forms provided on the evening. We also include 2 important email addresses should you wish to contact us.
The presentation on Wednesday October 16th may be accessed here: (please add link to slides as attached above)
The two forms for sourcing placements are attached below.
1. is for students/families wishing us to source the placement and 2. is for those students/families who are happy to provide their own. We recommend this option as, in our experience, it invariably makes the placement more meaningful for the student.
Useful email addresses:
Richard Jones (Aston Academy's Business and Education external partner) email:
Aston email: