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Striving for




Work Experience Within our Careers Programme

Work Experience Within our Careers Programme

"Building upon the learning of students from Key Stage 3, our bespoke Key Stage 4 programme focuses on a deeper and more personalised preparation for the world of work. The Careers education in Key Stage 4 at Aston Academy incorporates a working understanding of the workplace, including how to create a good CV, how to prepare effectively for an interview, customer service skills and, in Year 10, an authentic week's experience of a local workplace.

We work with our business partner, Richard Jones, from B and E Together, to source personalised placements, which link directly to both student interest and aspiration.

We are now getting closer and closer to our Work Experience Week for all Y10 students on Monday June 10th to Friday June 14th, and many students have already received their placement information and contract of employment for that week.  Parennts/Carers will also shortly receive an electronic copy. You will find all the details of the employer on this contract and your child should take a copy of this completed contract with him/her on the first day. It includes a comprehensive job description, which confirms your child's working hours and any other details needed to fulfill the placement productively. Please do take the time to go through all this with your child. 

(Not every student has received one yet, though, so please bear with us. Just because your child hasn't received anything currently, it doesn't mean that everything isn't underway.)

Students have been asked to contact their employer before the start of the Work Experience (WEX) week, to introduce themselves and ask key questions in preparation for their first day.

Below are some reminders and further information re. how best to help us prepare your child for his/her exciting WEX placement. I also attach the Work Experience Placement Journal mentioned below for your convenience and perusal:

Please may we thank you for your support in having agreed to this exciting process and to take this opportunity to provide below some associated reminders?

Please find attached your child's Work Experience (WEX) contract, which we ask all parents/carers and students to complete and sign. 

Please may we thank you for your support in having agreed to this exciting process and to take this opportunity to provide below some associated reminders?


  • There are no formal timetabled Y10 lessons during the school week of Mon June 10th to Fri June 14th - it is our expectation that all Y10 students are engaged fully with their Work Experience Placement throughout the entire week and this is their sole provision for that week (there is no alternative provision in school)
  • The experience offers a range of benefits - not all of which are always immediately visible to young people. These benefits include providing experience of independent travel, building resilience, problem-solving, managing a new environment, working with unfamiliar adults, being without friends for short periods of time.
  • We ask you to join us in supporting our young people to discuss strategies for the management of these benefits - which may appear as concerns to a minority of students. We totally want all our students to grow through the process; making the absolute most of the experience.
  • Your child has been provided with a Work Experience Placement Journal - a copy of which is also attached on this page. This journal provides key information before the placement begins, tasks to complete during it and important reflection space afterwards, so it's a vital resource. Please support us by also encouraging your child NOT to lose this booklet and to bring it back into the Academy with them on Monday June 17th.

I hope your child enjoys and reaps the benefits of this WEX placement, and thank you again for your associated support.

We attach some key resources below and include 2 important email addresses should you wish to contact us.

  • The link to the presentation on Thursday November 9th may be accessed here:
  • The two forms for sourcing placements are attached below, although should have already been submitted for processing now, thank you
  • Your child's Work Experience Placement Journal (as explained in detail below)

Richard Jones email:

Aston email: